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Auto Loans

TCT offers everything you need for the entire car buying journey.

From financing to keys in hand, we’re your one-stop auto buying shop.

Looking for a new or used car, truck, or motorcycle but tired of the hassle? Say hello to convenience with TCT FCU.  

TCT offers highly competitive Conventional Auto Loan rates and a quick and easy loan process. Plus, enjoy no payments for up to 90 days*, and a 0.25% loan rate discount when you set up automatic loan payments from a TCT checking account or payroll deduction. 

* Although the first payment may not be due until 90 days from the date loan is funded, interest will accrue during this time. Deferment is not available for Payment Saver Auto Loans.

 Find aVehicle blue section goes here 

TCT’s Streamlined Process:

1 – Find your next dream car from the security of our website with EZ Car Finder.

2 – Ready to get pre-approved? If you've found a great deal on a vehicle and you're ready to secure financing, get started by applying online.



Protection Options at TCT FCU:

GAP Insurance

GAP Insurance

If your vehicle is totaled or stolen, all too often the insurance payment is not enough to pay off your loan, leaving you with a balance due. By having GAP Protection (Guaranteed Asset Protection), that remaining balance will be waived, making it easier for you to purchase a new vehicle.


Payment Protection

Payment Protection

Payment Protection (Credit Life & Disability Insurance) may make your loan payments in the event of your disability or death, providing your family protection from the unexpected.


Mechanical Repair Coverage (MRC)

Mechanical Repair Coverage (MRC)

As your vehicle ages, MRC may help cover repairs, potentially saving your budget from unexpected repair costs.



Considering a lease?

With our unique Payment Saver Auto Loans you may be surprised to find out you can afford to own your dream car on your budget with a lease-like monthly payment, plus all the benefits of vehicle ownership.


Mother and child

TCT Insurance Discounts

TCT partners with TruStage/Liberty Mutual to offer our members insurance discounts to help protect their investments with affordable rates to fit their budget. 


Couple and dog on beach

Auto Loan Refinance

You may have driven off the lot with an auto loan rate your credit union can beat. TCT has the roadmap to budget-friendly payments and low loan rates. ­



Before you purchase a car


Auto and Motorcycle Loan Rates
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* (Rates as low as)Monthly Payment per $1000
3 Year (36 Month) 4.75% $29.86
5 Year (60 Month) 5.50% $19.10
6 Year (72 month)** 5.75% $16.46
7 Year (84 month)*** 7.25% $15.22
** The 6 Year Term requires a minimum loan amount of $15,000.
*** The 7 Year Term is eligible for the current model year only and requires a minimum loan amount of $30,0000.
3 Year (36 Month) 5.74% $30.31
4 Year (48 Month) 6.25% $23.60
5 Year (60 Month) 6.74% $19.68
6 Year (72 month)** 7.00% $17.05
** The 6 Year Term requires a minimum loan amount of $20,000.
*Important Facts 
APR = Annual Percentage Rate, Interest rates are quoted using the rate available, Your individual credit qualifications will determine rate and term. 
The disclosed rates reflect a .25% discount for an automatic payment from payroll deduction or direct transfer from a TCT checking account.
Under the Credit Union's guidelines for lending and the purposes of this rate sheet, vehicles are defined as automobiles, SUVs and motorcycles. Sport crafts are defined as all terrain or all purpose vehicles, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, and personal watercraft.
Low cost GAP Protection is available on all vehicle and sport craft loans.
TCT FCU requires collision and comprehensive insurance on all automobile and motorcycle loans.
Apply Online

Payment Saver Auto Loan Rates
TermAPR* (Rates as low as) Calculate a Monthly Payment
Payment Saver monthly payments are factored specifically to the vehicle. Please use the provided link to calculate a monthly payment or contact us. A sample monthly payment based on a $40,000 loan would be $470.71 for payments 1-59, with a 60th payment of $18,500, depending on the vehicle's Guaranteed Future Value. Guaranteed Future Value (GFV) is the projected value of the vehicle at loan maturity. Our Payment Saver program guarantees this residual value. If your vehicle is worth less than what you owe on your loan at maturity, you can turn the vehicle in and walk away. 
3 Year (36 month) 5.75% CALCULATE PAYMENT
5 Year (60 month) 6.50% CALCULATE PAYMENT
6 Year (72 month)** 6.75% CALCULATE PAYMENT
** The 6 Year Term requires a minimum loan amount of $15,000.
MODEL YEARS: 2021 & 2020
3 Year (36 month) 6.74% CALCULATE PAYMENT
4 Year (48 month) 7.25% CALCULATE PAYMENT
5 Year (60 month) 7.74% CALCULATE PAYMENT
*Important Facts 
APR = Annual Percentage Rate, Interest rates are quoted using the rate available, Your individual credit qualifications will determine rate and term.
The disclosed rates reflect a .25% discount for an automatic payment from payroll deduction or direct transfer from a TCT checking account.
Under the Credit Union's guidelines for lending and the purposes of this rate sheet, vehicles are defined as automobiles, SUVs and motorcycles. Sport crafts are defined as all terrain or all purpose vehicles, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, and personal watercraft.
Low cost GAP Protection is available on all vehicle and sport craft loans.
TCT FCU requires collision and comprehensive insurance on all automobile and motorcycle loans.
Calculate Your Payment


Ask about Auto Loan Financing
Completion of this information request form does not constitute a loan application.
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If you have additional questions, call us at 1-800-721-8288 or visit a TCT branch to meet with a Member Service Specialist. 

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