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Auto Loans

Auto & Motorcycle Loans

If you're ready for a new ride, whether it's a new or used vehicle or motorcycle, you're in the right place. TCT offers highly competitive loan rates and a quick and easy loan process. Plus, enjoy no payments for up to 90 days*, and a 0.25% loan rate discount when you set up automatic loan payments from a TCT checking account or payroll deduction. 


Exploring your financing options?

If you're considering a lease, or want to find out how much you can afford on your budget, take a look at our unique Payment Saver Auto Loans — offering lease-like payments with the benefits of vehicle ownership.

Learn more about Payment Saver 

Ready to Buy?

If you've found a great deal on a vehicle and you're ready to drive it home today, let's not waste any time. 

Apply Now

* Although the first payment may not be due until 90 days from the date loan is funded, interest will accrue during this time. Deferment is not available for Payment Saver Auto Loans.

Before you purchase a car



Ask about Auto Loan Financing
Completion of this information request form does not constitute a loan application.
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Mother and child

TCT Insurance Discounts

TCT partners with TruStage/Liberty Mutual to offer our members insurance discounts to help protect their investments with affordable rates to fit their budget. 


Considering a lease?

With our unique Payment Saver Auto Loans you may be surprised to find out you can afford to own your dream car on your budget with a lease-like monthly payment, plus all the benefits of vehicle ownership.


Couple and dog on beach

Auto Loan Refinance

You may have driven off the lot with an auto loan rate your credit union can beat. TCT has the roadmap to budget-friendly payments and low loan rates. ­



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